Let's be honest some people are more suited than others to be caregivers. This does not need to be a value judgment. It takes all kinds of people to make an effective and functioning society.
For more information on the Care Equation please listen to the audio file.
I used to believe that everyone needed to be as empathic as I was, but I am slowly changing my mind.
For many years I have worked on creating and understanding the following map. I believe it is the underlying reason there is so much conflict over caregiving. This is the first step in understanding Why We Care and Who Cares?
The Caregiver Love | Power Continuum
for more information click above
Many empathic people, do not realize that there is a shadow side to what is termed "Empath." The empath is wounded in that they do not have a healthy sense of self-worth. They put their needs aside for others often not out of choice but because of self-worth and confidence issues. Often hidden behind empathy is a need for power that does not manifest itself in healthier more overt ways of self-assertion but through more subtle forms of manipulation.

What happens when some stakeholder in the care relationship is outside the healthy continuum?
Please visit "The Elephant in the Room" section of this site.
It is important to note that both extremes are dangerous and unhealthy. There is a range in the center between love and power that is healthy, although the type of care offered throughout the continuum will look very different. Within the healthy range it is important to collaborate with each other. To find out where you are on the Love | Power continuum please take the Caregiver Aptitude Quiz.